Give Me Back My Treasure THIEF!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Give back my treasure thief! (FINAL)

As you can see my manip's theme is about PIRATES! I really want to create something unique with my chosen theme 'cause there are lots of pirate-themed artworks out there and I want to be sure that my idea is never been done. 
The photo is about Clea a female pirate that went to an expedition along with her crew to go in a rumored island. The local folks on their homeland said that there's a hidden treasure stone of immortality lying somewhere there in a chest. So after months of sailing and all of her crew already died, she decided to continue and then she found the island.
When reaching the coast, she saw a hidden cave that is covered with mist. She went inside and found the remains of the historic "BLACK PIRATES" and other unknown pirates. The said group of pirates is believed to be Satanic and they're sacrificing newborn babies and virgins to the Demon.
Lots of pirates risk their lives just to get the treasure, but no one ever came back since setting foot on the island. So no one really knows the truth why they disappeared.
She searched the cave to find the chest containing the stone. She found it above the high pile of golds. Clea got it but decided to get out of the island fast because she felt a dark aura after touching the chest. When she was near the cave's exit, the Demon appears and that's the end of the story.
I want you guys to think your own ending hahaha, Did she make it or ended up just like the other pirates?
 Hope you enjoyed the story,  of course my work as well :)

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