Laid-back Gal

Thursday, March 10, 2022


“The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden; and like a mirror, they also reflect the person looking into them.”Paulo Coelho


I initially wanted to create a photomanipulation for this week's artwork yet I came across this portrait of a woman that I used for reference. Her gaze made me feel a lot of empowerment for myself and hopefully one day, I'll be as confident and independent as her.



Right now I am still not used to doing some things on my own and I am having post-breakup withdrawal. I can't clearly explain the feeling but you know when you're used to a certain routine and that person is part of your schedule? Now that he's gone, I have to do a lot of adjustments.


Going back, I really enjoyed creating vectors recently and I might stick with this current style that I've used in my recent works. As for my theme, I wanted to focus on womanhood given I am into self-love since the breakup.

{DISCLAIMER: I don't own the gif}

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