Live Life in Full Bloom

Saturday, May 14, 2022


I’ve been wanting to create a vector with a tattooed woman reference for a while now. Finally found the first one and it’s cool because it resembles my V in Cyberpunk 2077 which I posted before this artwork. You can check it out here.



I recall wanting a tattoo so badly during my sophomore year as a university student. It was on my left wrist which means localhost or server. Basically like home. I didn't proceed with it because I know I'll regret it later on given I easily get tired of the same thing. I tried so hard to be edgy or cool during that era and even pierced my left ear. Now that I am reminiscing as I write, I can’t help but smile.

A quick life update, I felt so drained the rest of the week due to intense preparations before and during my brother’s wedding. I just slept the past weekend and felt a bit sad because my ex’s name popped up again. I already deleted every remnant of his being on my side but saw him checking me on Instagram.



I was puzzled as to why, maybe he got curious about what was up and part of me thought he wanted to get back together. Good thing I talked to Kaye and she reminded me that he seems so enthusiastic about his newfound girl. So yeah I should stop thinking he cares and move on.

Honestly seeing him affected me and I couldn’t focus the whole week. I barely posted content and I needed some time to chill so I played A Plague Tale: Innocence (highly recommended and thinking to do another article about female protagonists) and then watched anime. Also, I was supposed to do an interview but I am double-minded because I want to find new employment that requires me not to stay at home. I just want to be outside since time passes so much faster.


Right now, I feel a lot better and back on track. I don’t want to overpush myself if deep inside I know I am not alright. Yet I can’t just do nothing at all because no one would do things for me. I never imagined healing would be like this, it’s like a rollercoaster ride. When will this end?



{DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the gifs}

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