Corpo Chic

Friday, August 5, 2022



"Forget about regret, just focus. Focus on today, not on the past. Focus on what you can do, not what you didn't do."Catherine Pulsifer


I haven’t made nor posted any artwork for more than a month and it greatly bothered me. I was occupied with family obligations, had to organize events for our Dota 2 server, and was on multiple vacations. Not bad because I managed to take a breather and unwind yet something feels incomplete.


Honestly, there are some setbacks I faced and I’ve been stressed out even before August arrived due to plans I didn’t manage to execute. I guess July wasn’t a productive month for me in terms of self-growth.

Basically, this vector art is a mixture of my current wants, going back to corporate and still doing my artistry at the same time. I am so pressured and it’s getting tough for me to find the strength to be positive. I just keep telling myself to do what I can and see what’s next.


{DISCLAIMER: I don't own the gif}

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