Ruins of Mile-Long Barracks (Front-View)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Popularly known as the World's LONGEST military barracks,  the entire length of the structure measures about 1,520 ft. It is a three-story building mainly made of concrete. The building is constructed to outlast hurricane, that's why it is still standing strong as of now in the topside part of Corregidor Island.

If you're into World War II history, this building was used by both American and Filipino soldiers. It was also the lodging facility of American officers and troops. Other than that, the headquarters of Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur who was then a field marshal of Philippine Army and United States Army's Chief of Staff during 1930's, was also located at this very historical structure.

We're not in history class ok? hahaha. I just want to explain the story of this building because it's not an ordinary edifice anyway.  Still now, the structure itself is haunted by World War II's bloody sight. That's why when I was there last year, I did feel the eerie feeling of the place. Well, our very own tour guide told us that the patrols there experienced some uncanny ghostly stuff and it's very frightening hahaha. I really do want to explore the building myself, but tourists are not allowed inside. We're just beneath the designated vicinity.

So after that creepy part, the Mile-Long Barracks is truly an architectural masterpiece and when visiting the site during a sunny weather, tourists can experience a truly bizarre scene with a thematic look.

That's why It's a challenged for me to take good snaps of this building because I really want to give the audience the story behind the photo and to feel it just by looking at the image. The image in this post is about mystery. I want the people to do the thinking, and if the curiosity lingers probably you're still reading this.

I'm still finishing my long I mean very long blog post 'bout our photography tour in Corregidor Island. There you can gain lot's of  historic wisdom and also information. More images of historic places and stuff. So just keep on visiting my site or just subscribe on my feeds to be updated (thanks in advance). I hope you did have a pleasant time reading this!

Note: I have finished writing the travel post so check it out here.

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